How many States does the Grand Canyon pass through? This is a pretty common question we get on tours actually. In general, most people off the top of their hear will assume that it must go through a few different states. Surprise, surprise… It does not. Grand Canyon lies entirely within the state of Arizona! Hence the phrase on the back of the state license plate reading, Grand Canyon State.

The Colorado river of course runs through multiple states. If you were to follow the river on it’s roughly 1400 mile journey from Colorado all the way to the ocean, (ok, well it doesn’t reach the ocean anymore, but that’s another post for another time.) you would pass through a number of different named sections. On the Colorado river you can be in Glen Canyon, Marble Canyon and Cataract Canyon to name a few. Probably the most well-known is Grand Canyon. Each of these canyons generally has geologic distinctions. So when we look at what Canyon we are in, it generally has to do with different geology.

So Grand Canyon is measures by where the geologic features of Grand canyon begin along the Colorado river. That spot is called river mile 0 and it located about 15 miles south of the Utah/Arizona border near Page, AZ. For the next 277 miles, the river runs through Grand Canyon. River mile 277 is then the end of the geologic features that make Grand Canyon and hence, the end of the Grand Canyon. So where is 277? Well, if you are intrigued by  the middle of nowhere, this might be your place.

At the very bottom of Nevada, the Colorado forms the border between Arizona and Nevada. At this point, you are no longer in Grand Canyon, but in Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Travel up river for approximately, 25 miles into Arizona, and you’ll find yourself at a spot called Grand Wash Cliffs. This is river mile 277 of the Grand Canyon and the end of Grand Canyon. Many river trips take out at a place called Pierce Ferry (see map above) which is at river mile 280.

So, the Grand Canyon is located entirely inside the State of Arizona. It runs from pretty much Utah to Nevada, but it’s actually all in Arizona.